Privacy Policy

Who are we?


This is the website of Du Festival Maboule, the address is 58 rue de Charleroi, 1470 Genappe, Belgium.

Please read the following contract to know how your personal data will be treated. This document is subject to change. This version is dated 11 April 2019.


Legal framework and scope


Festival Maboule undertakes to comply with the privacy legislation in force in Belgium: the processing of personal data relating to this site is subject to the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy and to the General Data Protection Regulation (or « GDPR ») 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, which entered into force on 25 May 2018.

This privacy agreement is valid for all pages hosted on It does not apply to pages hosted by other organisations to which we may refer and whose privacy agreements may be different. This policy concerns your visit to this website and the use of cookies for a better browsing experience.

If you wish to respond to any of the practices described below, you may contact us at:



Cookies for a better browsing experience


What is a cookie?


Cookies are small text files, created to save certain data on the websites you visit. For example, your language selection, login details or other settings. Cookies are necessary to improve the functioning of the website and are used for statistical purposes. They do not record your name, address or other personal data.

Only the website that created the cookie can access the file. The file itself contains only text and cannot perform any action on your computer. It therefore only serves to provide additional information to your browser. A cookie – since it contains only a small amount of data – is therefore harmless.

However, if you feel that your privacy is not being respected, you can adjust your browser settings to prevent cookies from being saved on your computer or to prevent cookies from saving data. Browsing the Festival Maboule website will still be possible.



What information is collected on this site via cookies?


Each time you visit our website, if cookies are not deactivated, our server automatically recognises your domain of origin. However, it does not automatically detect your e-mail address or your name.

When you visit our site, we collect the following information via cookies:

your domain (automatically detected as described above) ;
all information about the pages you have visited on our site;
your age and gender, your language and your geographical area.


Embedded content from other sites


Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles). Embedded content from other sites behaves in the same way as if the visitor were on that other site.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, and track your interactions with embedded content if you have an account with their website.


Cookies from other third parties


On this site, we also use services from our trusted social media, advertising and analytics partners. We share information about your use of the site by, for example, offering you integration of YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion videos and content sharing buttons through the Simple Share Buttons Adder.

We believe that using the services offered by these third parties enhances your visit to our website. Third parties may use cookies to record certain data, for example to analyse clicks made by visitors.


How can I deactivate cookies?


Disabling cookies only affects the computer and browser used to disable them. If you use more than one computer or browser, you must repeat the operation for each computer and each browser.

Consult your browser’s help function to find more detailed information about enabling, disabling and deleting cookies. Here are some links to the most common browsers:

Internet Explorer:
Personally Identifiable Information Collected


During your visit to our site, you may be asked to voluntarily and knowingly share information, for example by filling out online forms. This is referred to as « personal data ». The term « personal data » covers all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A person is identifiable when he or she can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity. For example: a person’s first and last name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, preferences, origin, gender, etc. A person’s business address and telephone number are also personal data.


Within this site, this may include, depending on the data you have sent us, :

your name
your first name
your e-mail address
This information is collected via online forms created specifically for the Festival Maboule website. This data is used to inform you, to contact you later and to make statistics to improve the content of our site.


This personal data is therefore only shared with these third parties if you give us permission to do so.


If in the future you do not wish to receive postal and/or electronic mail from our association, please contact us.



Compliant data management and storage


Your personal data is stored in our database integrated into the Festival Maboule website. Unless you request otherwise, this data will be kept for a period of 10 years after the last communications.


This data is stored on our server located at our head office at 58 rue de Charleroi, 1470 Genappe.


Festival Maboule undertakes not to share this information with other organisations for commercial or other purposes, nor to communicate it to commercial databases.


These personal data are only shared with third parties if required and authorised by law.


Use of data by Festival Maboule


This data is only collected in the context of specific Festival Maboule activities, such as (e-)mailings. We do not process the personal data of minors (persons under 16 years of age) without the written consent of the parent or legal guardian.


In all circumstances, you also have the right to consult and obtain, modify, delete, limit the use of or oppose the use of your personal data by contacting us by e-mail at or by calling us at +32(0)492 85 70 72.



Security of the information collected


Once we receive your data, Festival Maboule will do its best to ensure the security of its systems. We have already put in place appropriate security measures to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information received on our site. These include the following:

All persons who have access to your data on behalf of Festival Maboule are bound by professional secrecy.
We make regular backups to recover personal data in case of technical or physical incidents.
Employees are made aware of the importance of protecting personal data.
We are in the process of setting up a procedure in case of a data leak.

We take all necessary measures to ensure that this information is handled securely.


Access, modification or deletion of personal data


In accordance with the Privacy Act of 8 December 1992 and the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, any user who has submitted directly or indirectly nominative information to this site has the following rights concerning his or her personal data:

Right of information and access: You may request the communication of nominative information concerning you.
Right of rectification: You may request the rectification of personal information concerning you. You can thus ask us to correct any inaccuracies and complete incomplete data.
Right to erasure (« right to be forgotten »): You may request that your personal data be deleted entirely from our database.
Right to limit the processing of personal data: You may object to the use of your personal data.
Right to data portability: You can obtain the personal data applicable to you in an electronic, current and structured form.
Right to object: You may object to prospecting, direct marketing and profiling practices.

To exercise your rights, send a written and signed request to the attention of Festival Maboule, 58 rue de Charleroi, 1470 Genappe. Please specify the postal or e-mail address to which the reply should be sent. We may ask you to identify yourself before we can respond to the above requests. You can identify yourself with a copy of your identity card.


If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, we ask you to contact our secretariat directly. We are at your disposal by e-mail or by telephone +32 (0)492 85 70 72.



You always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Committee, the supervisory authority in the field of privacy protection.



Contact information


we are at your disposal :

by e-email: or
by telephone: +32(0)492 85 70 72
by post: 58 rue de Charleroi, 1470 Genappe, Belgium.